What famous artist was born dead?
Pablo Picasso was born dead. His midwife left him on a table. Picasso's uncle brought him to life with a lung full of cigar smoke.
Where does cricket come from?
The name of the game “cricket” is believed to have been derived in the late 1500s from the Middle French word criquet, meaning “goalpost.”
When was swallowing dice a job?
In 18th century English gambling dens, there was an employee whose only job was to swallow the dice if there was a police raid.
What is wine's 20 minute rule?
To assure full flavor, chill wine appropriately. Observe the 20-minute rule: Pull whites out of the refrigerator 20 minutes before serving; put reds in 20 minutes before serving.
Why did the Greeks switch to metal coins?
In 625 B.C., metal coins were introduced in Greece. They replaced grain --usually barley --as the medium of exchange. Stamped with a likeness of an ear of wheat, the new coins were lighter and easier to transport than grain, and did not get moldy.
Are American's shy?
A recent study conducted by the Shyness Clinic in Menlo Park, California, revealed that almost 90 percent of Americans label themselves as shy.
Why did Galileo go blind?
Galileo became totally blind shortly before his death, probably because of the damage done to his eyes during his many years of looking at the Sun through a telescope.
Was Ford fond of soybeans?
Henry Ford was obsessed with soybeans. He once wore a suit and tie made from soy-based material, served a 16-course meal made entirely from soybeans, and ordered many Ford auto parts to be made from soy-derived plastic.
Why is La Paz fireproof?
At 12,000 feet above sea level, there is barely enough oxygen in La Paz, Bolivia to support combustion. The city is nearly fireproof.
How much do snails sleep?
Snails sleep a lot. In addition to several months of winter hibernation, they crawl into their shells to get out of the hot sun, which dries them, or heavy rain, which waterlogs them. Desert snails may even doze for three or four years.
How much will a pencil write?
The average lead pencil will draw a line 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words. More than 2 billion pencils are manufactured in the U.S. annually. If these were laid end to end, they would circle the earth nine times.
Which fish is most popular worldwide?
The herring is the most widely eaten fish in the world. Nutritionally its fuel value is that equal to that of a beefsteak.